Ftm gay porn tunblr

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I also found myself watching pornographic videos of trans men. The Advocate's senior editor Savas Abadsidis (who's cisgender and gay) spoke with contributor Cole Hayes and actor Ethan Remillard ( aka Luke Hudson) - both Hayes and Remillard are trans and gay - on the positive effects Tumblr had for many FTM guys.Ĭole Hayes: Before and during the early stages of my transition from female to male, I used Tumblr to connect with others in the trans community and followed many blogs that documented transitions.

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That truth is bumping up against Tumblr's new ban on adult content. Besides serving as a melting pot for creativity and self-love, Tumblr and has been the go-to place for many in the LGBTQ community to express their sexuality and their gender identity - in particular trans masculine bodies.Ī large part of celebrating one’s identity involves sex and not feeling shamed for enjoying sexual experiences with other consenting adults.

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