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He’s from Denver and I’ve done many gigs with him. I’m also very close with Craig C, who is one of my favorite DJs and producers. If they’re going to pay me, I’m there, and you all apparently really like me because I keep coming back. Well, I go wherever they pay me (laughs). What keeps you coming back to the Mile High City, and how would you say our PrideFest is unique from every other Pride you’ve performed at?

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So, they can expect some new songs with older favorites. I need to make sure that I do a great job and keep everyone’s attention. I don’t think there will be any LED screens and I’m not bringing any dancers, so it’s just going to be me. So, it’s been a while since I’ve done a full Cazwell show. However, I am a little nervous because, due to COVID and life, I’ve had more DJ gigs than performance gigs. I also had a Latin EP come out in June, so I’ll be doing new songs from that as well.

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I always receive such a warm reception in Denver, and this year, I will be performing with Kylie Sonique Love and we’re going to premiere our new song together. I’m super excited! I’ve probably played Denver Pride more than any other Pride festival, and the last time I was there, I performed and DJed. Let me begin by asking, how excited are you to return to Denver and perform at this year’s Pride celebration?

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