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Varietywas first to report that Aguilera planned to have a special “Lady Marmalade” moment with Mya, reporting earlier in the week that the collaboration was in the works. ICONIC! joins for “Lady Marmalade” during an iconic Moulin Rouge medley at 🏳️‍🌈🔥 /9Z5asNg3Oq She then was joined by Mya for “Lady Marmalade.” “Thank you so much for doing this,” she told the R&B songstress. Queen performs “XXX” with while wearing a big-ass strap-on during one of the most iconic moments of the night 🔥🔥🔥 /w6jaUsbEwuīefore a medley of Moulin Rouge! hits, Aguilera’s dancers held up signs that read “Say gay” in support of LGBTQ people in states where anti-LGBTQ legislation has begun to be implemented, like Florida.

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